Visit our Knowledge Base

Providing how-to guides and articles on configuration and set up options, which can easily be followed, understood and implemented.

For all our Calpendo customers, we want them to have the freedom to enable their systems to interact and behave in exactly the way that they want them to. Our Support Team is always available to answer any questions at any time, but sometimes, Administrators and IT personnel wish to do things themselves. And to help them explore the possibilities of Calpendo and provide instructions and guidance for making the changes they require…welcome to our Knowledge Base

Here are some examples of our Knowledge Base articles

When a user is no longer active on Calpendo due to leaving the facility, it is normal for admins to want to remove that user so that they can regain their licence… Click here to read more!

If your Calpendo already has Information pages setup, you may want to add in additional pages either as a separate main page or as a child page of the main page… Click here to read more!

In certain circumstances, it may be a good idea to limit or completely prevent the ability for users (and sometimes Admins) to make bookings in Calpendo... Click here to read more!